I got this book as one of my 18 treasures during my Debut Celebration(year 2008). This was given to me by a family friend.
The title of the book, "The Journey", is apt for someone who has journeyed so far and long with Christ. I think this is a good book because we can learn so much from a few people in history, like Billy Graham, who have gained so much wisdom on Christianity through their journey in faith. While the book is mostly focused on Christianity, I'd say that it also serves as a reminder for most of us who lose track of what we believe in and live for because we often focus more on our careers that takes up most of our time and attention.. The good part of the book is that there are nuggets that were really interesting and inspiring.
My favorite part is chapter 27... Passing the Baton...
In this chapter, he talks about families... According to Billy, parents shouldn't just be a provider of any physical needs as necessities for their children. They must also be prepared to help their children develop mentally and emotionally...For without this, children will enter adulthood ill prepared and doomed to failure... Let your children grow freely, knowing that they will make mistakes along the way, don't hammer it too hard on them as it will only break their confidence in giving themselves a chance to move on and make the best out of it. Make them realize that with mistakes, comes valuable lessons. Mental and emotional development doesn't just happen in a snap... It takes deliberate effort and positive support on both parties. He also reminds his readers that being wise parents, we must accept the fact that every child is different... every family is different... and every day is different.. As a future parent to my children, I think this is what most of us should keep in mind.
I recommend this book to everyone, especially to those who are starting out in faith in Christ or anyone who is seeking a devotional book that will remind them of the basics of Christianity.