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The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin ~ FOLLOW ------ The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom ~ FOLLOW

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Archive for July 2011

This post is about "The Happiness Project" written by a lady who wants to research and see if she can make her happy life even better.  She notes in the beginning that she wasn’t unhappy, nor did she have the luxury to change her life in some drastic way (she has a husband and two young daughters). But what she could do is focus on the little things in life to try and find more joy in every day.

I’ve always wanted to read The Happiness Project for a long time now, not because I’m unhappy, but because it fits with this general trend in my reading of looking for books about different ways to live your life. I have found that  reading books like this makes me more aware on how I could avoid living life in a way that would place myself in a quicksand of false happiness.

While most of us might say that what's written in this book are things we could have figured out on our own,I bet there are still some who haven't figured some things out yet. Sometimes it takes a book or someone else’s perspective (in this case both) to make you think about how your life is.Yes, you may have considered yourself happy, but it doesn't mean that you couldn't get any happier. 

At some point, she talked about the need for reward and acknowledgment. I think most of us would love to be acknowledged with great things we've done, especially if we worked so hard, no matter how minor it is. I can however, see how some people would disagree with the need for acknowledgment.... I respect their opinion.. :)

Additionally,  she also talked about the "marriage" month. She worked on learning to “fight right,” nag less, and do small things to show her affection for her husband; often, the flaw of a relationship starts with these negative gestures. The conscious effort to speak more positively to her partner took a lot of work and concentration, but the results were worth the mindfulness.

One more thing I liked about Gretchen's approach was that she picked one particular area to focus on each month, and then added a new area the next month. It seemed like that kept it from being overwhelming. I definitely recommend adding The Happiness Project to your reading list! If you loved Eat.Love.Pray, I am sure you'll like this book!

Although your life may not be as perfect as you'd like, you can always look around and find people who are worse off than you. I am not asking you to feel glad that they are feeling a bit more miserable or messed up in life....I just want you to realize and be grateful for the problems you don't have. Take some quiet time away from the noise and haste, and count your blessings each day. Take inventory. Start with the people in your life who bring you joy and satisfaction; they are a gift to you.

Be thankful for the choices you've made, both good and bad. Accept your mistakes and go on. You can't change them anyway. Learn from them and apply what you've learned. Don't allow them to have more influence on your life than they deserve. They're just mistakes; they're not your final grade. Besides, making them now may keep you from making bigger mistakes later in life. Use them to help you with other choices so you won't keep doing the same things again.

Go outside and touch the sky. Enjoy the colors of the landscape; romp and play on the grassy ground. Smile at the world, and marvel at the wonders of the universe. Embrace the air; be thankful. Don't allow any negative feelings to creep into your consciousness. Feel the power of your own acceptance. Put a positive spin on every thought you have.

Bask in the glory of awareness. Experience the joy of praise. You're ALIVE! Appreciate the GIFT of your LIFE!

Oh, and if you're reading this... I just want you to know that you're one of the many reasons why I feel so blessed... I appreciate the time you've spent here in my blog... Thanks dear reader! :)